Sunday, 15 February 2009

There goes conformity...

first blog post ;]

omgosh... they dont have calibri D: D: D:

ok back on topic.. since everyone has a blog to rant/complain about shiz, i decided to conform coz im such a conformist (where's strikethrough... friggin shitty blogspot >=[)

yer today was gay ><;;
planned to go ct then sandra's, did neither coz noone wants to take my shift today! quote: "sorry, i dont work on sundays" ... grr you lazy bitches/nerds/clubbers. seriously i havnt mt'd for ages (like 2weeks) and my plan to go mt today is ruined by the laziness of you pplz!

err...mothers telling me to die/get off the computer ==;; so laterz

p.s. i'm slowly becoming an acceptable mayor in simcity 4 after 3hrs of tutorials ^_________^


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. ahhh hillary.
    that is very cute.
    don't worry, we'll mt for hours on end.
    i got a really good card off nick so i'll PWN!

